A game where you will entertain yourself in a relationship and enjoy sex, passion and orgasms in your daily life, romping with routine based on being in a relationship.
Like all Coupletition games, we have the object of sexualizing our life together and strengthening the relationships of our relationship. But, how different is it from the previous games?
- Learn curiosities and concepts about sexuality that you don't know.
- Probaréis nuevas postures, prácticas y actividades sexuales.
- If you encounter totally inappropriate situations, you should expect things from the most romantic to the most attractive.
- And form the best of the teams, intend to superar the object of the game that it is intended for.
¿Conseguiréis llevaros el premio final o, por el contrario, tendréis que realizar el castigo propuesto?
Coupletition ABCSEX is an experience that pretends to entertain and to add passion to the relationships of the couple, to see that it helps to normalize all the sexual relationships and enjoy the place in the pair without tabús. The approximate duration of the game is 20-60 days, divided into more than 25 hours of approximate duration of media.
ABCSEX is organized as a small abecedario. Contains a page of each letter of the alphabet, and also one of those encountered: a sexual term, its definition and a proof to be realized.
Before you start drinking, you must select the level of difficulty. Depending on the level you select, more or less items will be available to complete the return, and you will also be provided with a larger or smaller number of "commodines". The comodines are intended to be salted in concrete that cannot be carried out.
- The object of ABCSEX resides in completing all the tests that are proposed, within the time limit marked by the level of difficulty.

The terms that we encounter on this page can refer to a wide range of concepts: ideas or sexual suggestions to share, sexual practices that are common or that are socially considered "tabular", curious and interesting information about sexual relations or including colloquial expressions. sobre sexo quizás desconocías.
In addition to the term and its definition, on each page there is a possibility to achieve it. These activities are intended to complete the game, and all activities must be carried out (except those that require salt with the amenities that are available). This page is a new recipe and opportunity to have fun, learn new things and eat together.
As with Coupletition SEX GAME, the object of ABCSEX is that we dedicate a small part of our routine to spending time together, entertaining and enjoying sex. Sexualizar nuestra routina has a cantidad of incredible benefits so much for our health as for the new relationship in pareja, and Coupletition pretends to have a defect much more easily and entertained.
ABCSEX is a sexual game that allows you to entertain, learn and discover together. This is what I thought about forging an emotional view when I rediscovered and reinvented views of sexual relationships.
At the length of this experience there are more than 25 practices and sexual propuestas that tend to be completed in a determined time to allow you to log superar the restaurant that you propose.
¿Lo conseguireis?
- Game for couples
- Gender: hombre - mujer / hombre - hombre / mujer - mujer
- Designed for players
- 20 - 60 days diversion
- 3 game difficulties
- Idiom: Español