Solution-oriented couples therapy; 3 sessions to revive your relationship
Alexis Desjardins
Solution-oriented couples therapy; 3 sessions to revive your relationship
A methodology oriented towards efficiency.
By "efficiency-oriented methodology" I mean an orientation"solution" . The solution approach aims to use techniques to support the person who focuses more on how to resolve a dysfunction than on the one who wishes to draw up an inventory of its causes, to update the deep and structural organization of the problem in question. We can easily admit in this way that analyzing very finely the structure of the problem will be less likely to propose a rapid resolution of the dysfunction than the use of tools aimed at "solutions". By solution-oriented tools I mean therapeutic tools that allow access to the use of resources that are lacking in the system in its current state. New or abandoned resources, whatever the case, those that are necessary and useful for resolving the problem. Simply put, tools that allow a solution to be provided to the problem.
In itself the sexual dimension affects every individual, obviously you will not learn anything by presenting the couple as a system that unites several individuals. I will come back to the notion of system that the couple makes later and to what extent the work on the sexual dimension of the individuals of the couple can prove essential to reach it in aobjective which must be formulated by the couple .
So it seems to me necessary to have a word on the use of sex therapy in the therapeutic work around or rather at the center of the therapy , we are talking about an integrative approach, ranging from the concepts of psychoanalysis, the search for understanding, meaning, and why, to the opposite end of the playing field of supporting the person; where the "solutionist" concepts are found. This polarity in which these accompanying currents naturally oppose each other is here overcome in favor of the interest of the person facing us in the office.