Herz voller Erotic
Über 100 Herausforderungen für pure Leidenschaft!
Zieh deiner Partnerin/deinem Partner den Slip aus, ohne die Hände zu benutzen. Try one of your wildest fantasies. Mache first etwas Zärtliches, then etwas Intimes et schließlich etwas Feuriges mit deiner Partnerin/deinem Partner. What does führen… mean?
Das Herz voller Erotik is a spicy and sinister game for two people. Einer von euch beiden nimmt mit der Pinzette ein Röllchen aus dem Herz. Was this your life? Is there a playful experience, a wandering adventure game, a fantastical fantasy or an erotic adventure?
This game cannot be found. There is no modern description, there is no life and life. Die Intimität eurer Beziehung wird auf humorvolle Weise gestärkt. Manche Aufgaben can easily be broadcast, the description of an erotic film or the presentation of an aufregende exhibition will unfold to an unexpected topical point.
Kurzum: A game for a old gemeinsame, intimate Momente!
The erotic heart
More than 100 challenges out of pure passion!
Take your partner's underwear without using your hands. Tell your most intimate fantasy. Start a play with your partner, first do something tender, then something intimate and finally become very passionate. Where will this lead?
The Erotic Heart is a daring and tantalizing game for you and your partner. One or the other of you takes a roll of paper out of the box using the tweezers. What will happen now? Will it be a playful seduction, tantalizing foreplay, a fantasy to share or a daring erotic challenge?
This gift is unlike any other game, there is no time limit and you will both be winners. In a disarming and humorous way, this gift will increase intimacy in your relationship. Some tasks can be played right away, but renting an erotic movie or preparing an exciting surprise will lead to a wonderful time together later.
In short: a gift to cherish many intimate moments together!